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ComfyUI Node: Inpaint Segments

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Inpaint Segments

ManglerFTW (Account age: 664 days)
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Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyI2I
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyI2I in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Inpaint Segments Description

Enhances image inpainting precision using advanced segmentation for natural results.

Inpaint Segments:

The Inpaint Segments node is designed to facilitate the process of inpainting, which involves filling in missing or damaged parts of an image. This node leverages advanced segmentation techniques to identify specific regions within an image that need to be inpainted. By focusing on these segments, the node ensures that the inpainting process is precise and seamless, resulting in a more natural and coherent final image. This is particularly useful for AI artists who want to restore or modify images without leaving noticeable artifacts. The node's primary goal is to enhance the quality and realism of inpainted images by accurately targeting and processing the necessary segments.

Inpaint Segments Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the decoded image from the Variational Autoencoder (VAE). It serves as the base image onto which the inpainting will be applied. The quality and resolution of this image can significantly impact the final output.


The original image is the unaltered version of the image that you want to inpaint. This image is used as a reference to ensure that the inpainted segments blend seamlessly with the rest of the image.


This parameter is the image that contains the segments to be inpainted. It is essentially a cropped version of the original image, focusing on the areas that need inpainting.


The cut mask is a binary mask that indicates the regions within the cut image that need to be inpainted. Areas marked with 1 will be inpainted, while areas marked with 0 will remain unchanged.


This parameter specifies the region within the original image where the inpainted segments will be pasted. It ensures that the inpainted segments are correctly aligned with the rest of the image.


The color transfer factor determines the extent to which color correction is applied to the inpainted segments. A higher value results in more significant color adjustments to match the original image.


This parameter defines the operation to be performed during the combination of images and masks. It can include operations like addition, subtraction, or blending, affecting how the inpainted segments are merged with the original image.


This boolean parameter indicates whether the resulting pixel values should be clamped to a specific range. Clamping ensures that the pixel values remain within a valid range, preventing artifacts.


This boolean parameter specifies whether the resulting pixel values should be rounded. Rounding can help in reducing noise and achieving a smoother final image.


The resize behavior parameter determines how the inpainted segments are resized to fit the target region. Options include "keep_ratio_fill" and "source_size_unmasked," affecting the aspect ratio and scaling of the segments.


This optional parameter allows for additional mask mapping, providing more control over how the inpainted segments are applied to the original image. It can be used to fine-tune the inpainting process.

Inpaint Segments Output Parameters:


The final output is the inpainted image, where the specified segments have been seamlessly integrated into the original image. This output is the result of the entire inpainting process, combining the decoded VAE image, the original image, and the cut image with the applied mask and color corrections.

Inpaint Segments Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the cut mask accurately represents the regions that need inpainting to achieve the best results.
  • Adjust the color transfer factor to match the inpainted segments with the original image's color scheme.
  • Experiment with different resize behaviors to see which option best fits your specific use case.

Inpaint Segments Common Errors and Solutions:

"Invalid mask dimensions"

  • Explanation: The dimensions of the cut mask do not match the dimensions of the cut image.
  • Solution: Ensure that the cut mask and cut image have the same dimensions before running the inpainting process.

"Region out of bounds"

  • Explanation: The specified region for pasting the inpainted segments is outside the bounds of the original image.
  • Solution: Adjust the region parameter to ensure it falls within the dimensions of the original image.

"Color transfer factor out of range"

  • Explanation: The color transfer factor is set to a value outside the acceptable range.
  • Solution: Set the color transfer factor to a value within the valid range, typically between 0 and 1.

Inpaint Segments Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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