ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI-FFmpeg > 🔥SingleCuttingVideo

ComfyUI Node: 🔥SingleCuttingVideo

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How to Install ComfyUI-FFmpeg

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI-FFmpeg
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-FFmpeg in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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🔥SingleCuttingVideo Description

Facilitates precise video segment extraction using FFmpeg for editing and processing workflows.


The SingleCuttingVideo node is designed to facilitate the precise extraction of a specific segment from a video file. This node is particularly useful for users who need to isolate a particular portion of a video for further processing or analysis. By leveraging the capabilities of FFmpeg, a powerful multimedia framework, this node allows you to specify the exact start and end times for the segment you wish to extract. This functionality is beneficial for tasks such as creating video highlights, removing unwanted sections, or preparing clips for presentations. The node ensures that the extracted segment is as close as possible to the specified time range, although it relies on keyframes, which may affect the exactness of the cut. Overall, the SingleCuttingVideo node provides a straightforward and efficient method for video segment extraction, making it an essential tool for video editing and processing workflows.

🔥SingleCuttingVideo Input Parameters:


The video_path parameter specifies the location of the video file from which you want to extract a segment. It is a string input that should contain the full path to the video file, including the file name and extension. The default value is set to "C:/Users/Desktop/video.mp4". This parameter is crucial as it determines the source video that will be processed by the node.


The output_path parameter defines the directory where the extracted video segment will be saved. It is a string input that should include the path to the desired output location. The default value is "C:/Users/Desktop/output". This parameter is important for organizing and accessing the resulting video segment after processing.


The start_time parameter indicates the starting point of the video segment you wish to extract. It is a string input formatted as "HH:MM:SS", with a default value of "00:00:00". This parameter allows you to specify the exact time in the video where the segment should begin, providing precision in the extraction process.


The end_time parameter specifies the ending point of the video segment you want to extract. Similar to start_time, it is a string input formatted as "HH:MM:SS", with a default value of "00:00:10". This parameter determines the exact time in the video where the segment should end, ensuring that the extracted portion meets your requirements.

🔥SingleCuttingVideo Output Parameters:


The video_complete_path output parameter provides the full path to the extracted video segment after processing. It is a string that indicates where the resulting video file is saved, allowing you to easily locate and use the extracted segment. This output is essential for verifying the success of the extraction process and accessing the final video clip.

🔥SingleCuttingVideo Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the start_time and end_time parameters are correctly formatted and within the duration of the video to avoid errors during processing.
  • Use absolute paths for both video_path and output_path to prevent issues related to file location and access permissions.

🔥SingleCuttingVideo Common Errors and Solutions:

Invalid time format

  • Explanation: The start_time or end_time is not in the correct "HH:MM:SS" format.
  • Solution: Double-check the time format and ensure it follows the "HH:MM:SS" structure.

File not found

  • Explanation: The specified video_path does not exist or is incorrect.
  • Solution: Verify the file path and ensure the video file is accessible at the specified location.

Output directory not found

  • Explanation: The output_path directory does not exist.
  • Solution: Create the specified directory or choose an existing directory for the output path.

🔥SingleCuttingVideo Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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