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ComfyUI Node: Unsampler (Flatten)

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How to Install ComfyUI-FLATTEN

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyUI-FLATTEN
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-FLATTEN in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Unsampler (Flatten) Description

Facilitates unsampling in ComfyUI for AI art, transforms latent images with advanced techniques for high-quality results.

Unsampler (Flatten):

The UnsamplerFlattenNode is designed to facilitate the process of unsampling within the ComfyUI framework, specifically tailored for AI art generation. This node is essential for transforming latent images back into a more interpretable form by reversing the sampling process. It leverages advanced sampling techniques and noise management to ensure high-quality outputs. The node is particularly useful for artists looking to refine and enhance their generated images by providing a mechanism to control and normalize the unsampling process. By integrating this node, you can achieve smoother and more coherent results, making it a valuable tool in the AI art creation pipeline.

Unsampler (Flatten) Input Parameters:


The model parameter represents the AI model used for the unsampling process. It is crucial as it defines the architecture and weights that will be applied during unsampling. This parameter does not have a default value and must be provided.


The sampler_name parameter specifies the type of sampler to be used. It determines the algorithm that will guide the unsampling process. Common options include euler and inverse_euler. The default value is euler.


The steps parameter defines the number of steps to be taken during the unsampling process. More steps generally lead to higher quality results but require more computational resources. The default value is not specified and should be set based on the desired quality and available resources.


The save_steps parameter indicates whether intermediate steps should be saved during the unsampling process. This can be useful for debugging or for creating animations of the unsampling process. The default value is not specified.


The scheduler parameter controls the scheduling strategy for the unsampling steps. It affects how the steps are distributed over the process, impacting the final output's quality and coherence. The default value is not specified.


The normalize parameter determines whether the output should be normalized. Normalization adjusts the output to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one, which can help in achieving consistent results. The default value is not specified.


The positive parameter is used to provide positive conditioning to the model, guiding it towards desired features in the output. The default value is not specified.


The latent_image parameter is the input latent image that will be unsampled. It is a crucial input as it represents the encoded form of the image that needs to be transformed back. The default value is not specified.


The trajectories parameter is used to provide trajectory information for the unsampling process. This can guide the model in maintaining coherence and structure in the output. The default value is not specified.


The old_qk parameter is used for managing previous query-key pairs in the model, which can impact the unsampling process. The default value is not specified.

Unsampler (Flatten) Output Parameters:


The samples parameter is the primary output of the UnsamplerFlattenNode. It contains the unsampled image data, transformed from the latent space back into a more interpretable form. This output is crucial for evaluating the quality and coherence of the unsampling process.


The injection_dict parameter provides additional information about the injections applied during the unsampling process. This can be useful for debugging and for understanding how different parameters influenced the final output.

Unsampler (Flatten) Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the model parameter is correctly set to match the architecture and weights you intend to use for unsampling.
  • Experiment with different sampler_name options to find the one that best suits your desired output quality and style.
  • Adjust the steps parameter based on the available computational resources and the quality of results you aim to achieve.
  • Utilize the save_steps parameter to save intermediate steps if you need to debug the process or create visualizations of the unsampling progression.

Unsampler (Flatten) Common Errors and Solutions:

Flatten Unsampler error encountered: <error_message>

  • Explanation: This error occurs when there is an issue during the unsampling process, possibly due to incorrect parameter settings or model incompatibility.
  • Solution: Verify that all input parameters are correctly set and compatible with the model. Check for any specific requirements or constraints of the model being used.

KeyError: 'noise_mask'

  • Explanation: This error indicates that the noise_mask key is missing from the latent input.
  • Solution: Ensure that the latent input includes the noise_mask key if it is required by the unsampling process. If not needed, make sure the code handles its absence gracefully.

RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the GPU runs out of memory during the unsampling process.
  • Solution: Reduce the steps parameter or use a smaller model to decrease memory usage. Alternatively, consider running the process on a machine with more GPU memory.

Unsampler (Flatten) Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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