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ComfyUI Node: PixelKSampleUpscalerProvider

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ComfyUI Impact Pack
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  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI Impact Pack in the search bar
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PixelKSampleUpscalerProvider Description

Specialized node for enhancing image resolution with advanced upscaling techniques, ideal for AI artists seeking high-quality results.


The PixelKSampleUpscalerProvider is a specialized node designed to enhance the resolution of images by leveraging advanced upscaling techniques. This node is particularly beneficial for AI artists who need to upscale their artwork while maintaining high-quality details and minimizing artifacts. The primary goal of this node is to provide a seamless and efficient way to upscale images, making it an essential tool for those looking to improve the visual fidelity of their creations. By utilizing sophisticated algorithms, the PixelKSampleUpscalerProvider ensures that the upscaled images retain their original characteristics, offering a balance between performance and quality.

PixelKSampleUpscalerProvider Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the input image samples that you want to upscale. It is crucial as it forms the base upon which the upscaling process is applied. The quality and resolution of the input samples can significantly impact the final upscaled image.


The scale_method parameter determines the algorithm used for scaling the image. Different methods can produce varying results in terms of sharpness, smoothness, and overall quality. Choosing the appropriate scale method is essential for achieving the desired visual effect.


This parameter specifies the model used for the upscaling process. The choice of the model can affect the speed and quality of the upscaling. Some models may be optimized for specific types of images or styles, so selecting the right model is important for optimal results.


The scale_factor parameter defines the factor by which the image will be upscaled. For example, a scale factor of 2 will double the dimensions of the image. This parameter is critical as it directly influences the final resolution of the upscaled image.


The vae (Variational Autoencoder) parameter is used to encode and decode the image during the upscaling process. It plays a vital role in maintaining the quality and consistency of the image by ensuring that the upscaled version closely resembles the original.


The use_tile parameter is a boolean flag that indicates whether to use tiling during the upscaling process. Tiling can help manage memory usage and improve performance, especially for large images. When set to True, the image is processed in smaller tiles rather than as a whole.


This parameter specifies the size of the tiles used when use_tile is enabled. The tile size can impact the performance and quality of the upscaling process. Larger tiles may reduce processing time but require more memory, while smaller tiles can be more memory-efficient but may increase processing time.


The save_temp_prefix parameter allows you to save intermediate images during the upscaling process. This can be useful for debugging or for visualizing the progress of the upscaling. If set, the intermediate images are saved with the specified prefix.


The hook parameter allows you to specify a custom function or object that can modify the image during the upscaling process. This can be used to apply additional processing steps or to customize the behavior of the upscaler.

PixelKSampleUpscalerProvider Output Parameters:


This output parameter contains the upscaled image samples. These are the final high-resolution images produced by the upscaling process. The quality and resolution of these images depend on the input parameters and the upscaling model used.


This output parameter provides the original image samples before any upscaling was applied. This can be useful for comparison purposes or for further processing steps that require access to the original images.

PixelKSampleUpscalerProvider Usage Tips:

  • To achieve the best results, choose an upscale model that is optimized for the type of images you are working with.
  • Experiment with different scale methods to find the one that produces the desired visual effect for your artwork.
  • Use the save_temp_prefix parameter to save intermediate images and monitor the progress of the upscaling process.
  • If you are working with large images, enable the use_tile parameter and adjust the tile_size to manage memory usage effectively.

PixelKSampleUpscalerProvider Common Errors and Solutions:

"Invalid scale factor"

  • Explanation: The scale_factor parameter is set to an invalid value.
  • Solution: Ensure that the scale_factor is a positive integer greater than 1.

"Unsupported upscale model"

  • Explanation: The specified upscale_model is not recognized or supported.
  • Solution: Verify that the upscale_model is correctly specified and is available in the system.

"Memory allocation error"

  • Explanation: The system ran out of memory during the upscaling process.
  • Solution: Enable the use_tile parameter and reduce the tile_size to manage memory usage more efficiently.

"Hook function error"

  • Explanation: An error occurred in the custom hook function specified in the hook parameter.
  • Solution: Check the implementation of the hook function for any errors and ensure it is compatible with the upscaling process.

PixelKSampleUpscalerProvider Related Nodes

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ComfyUI Impact Pack

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