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ComfyUI Node: KSampler Advanced Progress (Inspire)

Class Name

KSamplerAdvancedProgress __Inspire

Dr.Lt.Data (Account age: 471 days)
ComfyUI Inspire Pack
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  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI Inspire Pack in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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KSampler Advanced Progress (Inspire) Description

Sophisticated node for AI art sampling with advanced progress tracking and control for precise outputs.

KSampler Advanced Progress (Inspire):

KSamplerAdvancedProgress __Inspire is a sophisticated node designed to enhance the sampling process in AI art generation by providing advanced progress tracking and control. This node is particularly beneficial for artists who require detailed monitoring and fine-tuning of the sampling stages, allowing for more precise and high-quality outputs. By integrating advanced sampling techniques, it ensures that the generated images are refined progressively, offering a higher degree of control over the artistic process. The node's primary goal is to facilitate a more interactive and responsive sampling experience, enabling artists to achieve their desired results with greater accuracy and efficiency.

KSampler Advanced Progress (Inspire) Input Parameters:


The model parameter specifies the AI model used for the sampling process. It is crucial as it determines the underlying architecture and capabilities of the sampling operation. The choice of model can significantly impact the quality and style of the generated images.


This parameter controls whether noise is added to the sampling process. Adding noise can help in generating more diverse and creative outputs. The default value is typically set to False, but enabling it can introduce variations that might be desirable in certain artistic contexts.


The noise_seed parameter sets the seed for the random noise generator. This ensures reproducibility of the results. By using the same seed, you can generate the same noise pattern, which is useful for consistency in iterative processes. The value can be any integer.


This parameter defines the number of steps in the sampling process. More steps generally lead to higher quality images as the model has more opportunities to refine the output. However, increasing the number of steps also increases the computation time. Typical values range from 10 to 1000.


The cfg (Classifier-Free Guidance) parameter adjusts the strength of the guidance applied during sampling. Higher values result in outputs that more closely follow the provided prompts, while lower values allow for more creative freedom. The value usually ranges from 0.0 to 20.0.


This parameter specifies the name of the sampling algorithm to be used. Different samplers can produce varying results, and choosing the right one can affect the style and quality of the generated images. Common options include ddim, plms, etc.


The scheduler parameter determines the scheduling strategy for the sampling steps. It influences how the steps are distributed over the sampling process, which can affect the convergence and quality of the final output.


This parameter provides the positive prompt or conditioning for the sampling process. It guides the model towards generating images that align with the desired characteristics or themes specified in the prompt.


The negative parameter offers a negative prompt or conditioning, which helps in steering the model away from certain undesired characteristics or themes. It is useful for refining the output by avoiding specific elements.


This parameter represents the initial latent image or the starting point for the sampling process. It is a crucial input as it sets the initial conditions from which the model will generate the final image.


The start_at_step parameter specifies the step at which the sampling process should begin. This allows for resuming or refining previous sampling processes. The value should be an integer within the range of the total steps.


This parameter defines the step at which the sampling process should end. It provides control over the duration of the sampling, allowing for early termination if needed. The value should be an integer within the range of the total steps.


The noise_mode parameter determines the mode of noise application during the sampling process. Different modes can produce varying effects on the final output, influencing the texture and details of the generated images.


This parameter controls whether the leftover noise should be returned along with the final output. Enabling this can be useful for further processing or analysis of the noise patterns. The default value is typically False.


The interval parameter sets the frequency at which progress updates are generated. It determines how often intermediate results are captured during the sampling process. A smaller interval provides more frequent updates but can increase computation time.


This parameter specifies whether to omit the initial latent image from the results. Enabling this can be useful if the initial latent image is not needed in the final output. The default value is typically False.


This optional parameter allows for the inclusion of previous progress latent images. It is useful for combining results from multiple sampling processes, providing a way to build upon earlier outputs.


This optional parameter specifies a custom scheduling function for the sampling process. It allows for advanced customization of the step scheduling, enabling more precise control over the sampling dynamics.

KSampler Advanced Progress (Inspire) Output Parameters:


The latent_image output parameter represents the final latent image generated by the sampling process. It is the primary result of the node, encapsulating the refined image data after the specified number of steps.


The result parameter contains the intermediate results captured during the sampling process. It provides a detailed record of the progress, including all the intermediate latent images generated at the specified intervals. This output is useful for analyzing the evolution of the image and for further refinement.

KSampler Advanced Progress (Inspire) Usage Tips:

  • Experiment with different values for the cfg parameter to find the right balance between adherence to the prompt and creative freedom.
  • Use the interval parameter to capture more frequent progress updates, which can help in fine-tuning the sampling process and understanding the model's behavior.
  • Leverage the prev_progress_latent_opt parameter to build upon previous sampling results, allowing for iterative refinement and improvement of the generated images.

KSampler Advanced Progress (Inspire) Common Errors and Solutions:

"Invalid model parameter"

  • Explanation: The specified model is not recognized or is incompatible with the node.
  • Solution: Ensure that the model parameter is set to a valid and supported AI model.

"Noise seed must be an integer"

  • Explanation: The noise_seed parameter is not an integer.
  • Solution: Provide a valid integer value for the noise_seed parameter to ensure reproducibility.

"Steps parameter out of range"

  • Explanation: The steps parameter is set to a value outside the acceptable range.
  • Solution: Adjust the steps parameter to a value within the typical range (e.g., 10 to 1000) to ensure proper execution.

"Invalid sampler name"

  • Explanation: The specified sampler_name is not recognized.
  • Solution: Verify that the sampler_name parameter is set to a valid sampling algorithm, such as ddim or plms.

"Scheduler function not found"

  • Explanation: The custom scheduler function specified in scheduler_func_opt is not available.
  • Solution: Ensure that the scheduler_func_opt parameter is set to a valid and accessible scheduling function.

KSampler Advanced Progress (Inspire) Related Nodes

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ComfyUI Inspire Pack

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