ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI-Interactive > Interactive Save

ComfyUI Node: Interactive Save

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How to Install ComfyUI-Interactive

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI-Interactive
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-Interactive in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Interactive Save Description

Facilitates image saving with customizable naming conventions for efficient organization and automation in ComfyUI.

Interactive Save:

The InteractiveSave node is designed to facilitate the saving of images generated within the ComfyUI environment. It provides a streamlined method for storing images with customizable file naming conventions, allowing you to append specific prefixes to filenames. This node is particularly beneficial for those who need to manage and organize their image outputs efficiently, as it supports dynamic filename formatting using various parameters. By integrating this node into your workflow, you can automate the saving process, ensuring that your images are stored with consistent naming patterns, which can include date stamps or other node-derived values. This functionality is crucial for maintaining an organized archive of your creative outputs, especially when dealing with large volumes of images.

Interactive Save Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the images you wish to save. It is a required input and serves as the primary content that the node will process and store. The images are expected to be in a format compatible with ComfyUI's image handling capabilities.


The filename_prefix parameter allows you to specify a prefix for the saved file's name. This can include static text or dynamic formatting options, such as date stamps (%date:yyyy-MM-dd%) or values derived from other nodes (e.g., %Empty Latent Image.width%). The default value is "ComfyUI", but you can customize it to suit your organizational needs. This flexibility helps in categorizing and retrieving files based on specific criteria.


The save_trigger is an integer parameter that determines when the save operation should be executed. It defaults to 0, and you can adjust it to control the timing of the save process. This parameter is useful for synchronizing the save operation with other events or conditions in your workflow.

Interactive Save Output Parameters:

The InteractiveSave node does not produce any direct output parameters. Its primary function is to save images to the specified directory, and as such, it operates as an output node within the workflow.

Interactive Save Usage Tips:

  • Customize the filename_prefix to include dynamic elements like dates or node values to keep your saved files organized and easily identifiable.
  • Use the save_trigger parameter to control when images are saved, allowing you to coordinate the save operation with other nodes or workflow events.

Interactive Save Common Errors and Solutions:

Error obtaining current_prompt workflow. This may still work.

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the node is unable to retrieve the current workflow from the prompt data. It might still function correctly, but the error indicates a potential issue with accessing the necessary data.
  • Solution: Ensure that the workflow data is correctly formatted and accessible. Check if the prompt and extra PNG information are properly set up in your workflow. If the error persists, review the connections and data flow leading to the InteractiveSave node.

Interactive Save Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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