ComfyUI  >  Nodes  >  ComfyUI-Mana-Nodes >  🆗 Font Properties

ComfyUI Node: 🆗 Font Properties

Class Name

Font Properties

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Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyUI-Mana-Nodes
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-Mana-Nodes in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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🆗 Font Properties Description

Facilitates text rendering on images with customization options for fonts, size, color, and shadows, supporting system and custom fonts.

🆗 Font Properties:

The Font Properties node is designed to facilitate the rendering of text onto images with a high degree of customization and precision. This node allows you to select fonts, define text content, and configure various visual properties such as font size, color, and shadow effects. It supports both system and custom fonts, enabling you to create visually appealing text graphics tailored to your specific needs. The node is particularly useful for generating dynamic text overlays on images, making it an essential tool for AI artists looking to enhance their visual creations with text elements. By leveraging this node, you can achieve professional-quality text rendering with ease, ensuring that your text elements are both aesthetically pleasing and contextually appropriate.

🆗 Font Properties Input Parameters:


This parameter specifies the main font to be used for rendering the text. It is a required input and must be provided. The font can be selected from a list of available system and custom fonts. The choice of font significantly impacts the visual style of the text.


This parameter defines the text content to be rendered. It supports multiline input and allows you to specify different text strings for different frames using a JSON-like format. This flexibility enables you to create complex text animations and overlays.


This parameter sets the canvas settings, including dimensions and background properties. It is a required input and must be provided. The canvas settings determine the overall layout and appearance of the rendered text.


This parameter specifies the number of frames for the text animation. It is an integer value with a minimum of 1 and a default of 1. Increasing the frame count allows for more complex and smoother text animations.


This optional parameter allows you to provide a transcription for the text. It can be used to synchronize the text with audio or other media elements, enhancing the overall multimedia experience.


This optional parameter specifies a secondary font to be used for highlighting specific parts of the text. It allows you to create visual emphasis on certain words or phrases, making them stand out.


This optional parameter defines the number of initial frames to skip in the animation. It is an integer value with a minimum of 0 and a default of 0. Skipping frames can be useful for synchronizing text animations with other visual elements.

🆗 Font Properties Output Parameters:


This output parameter provides the rendered images with the text overlays. Each image corresponds to a frame in the animation, allowing you to create dynamic text sequences.


This output parameter returns a string representation of the frame timestamps. It can be used for debugging or synchronizing the text animation with other media elements.

🆗 Font Properties Usage Tips:

  • Experiment with different fonts and font sizes to achieve the desired visual style for your text overlays.
  • Use the highlight_font parameter to emphasize important words or phrases, making your text more engaging.
  • Adjust the frame_count parameter to create smooth and complex text animations that enhance your visual content.
  • Utilize the skip_first_frames parameter to synchronize your text animations with other visual or audio elements in your project.

🆗 Font Properties Common Errors and Solutions:

Font not found

  • Explanation: The specified font is not available in the system or custom font directories.
  • Solution: Ensure that the font file is correctly placed in the designated font directories and that the font name is correctly specified.

Invalid frame count

  • Explanation: The frame_count parameter is set to a value less than 1. - Solution: Set the frame_count parameter to an integer value of 1 or higher.

Text content missing

  • Explanation: The text parameter is not provided or is empty.
  • Solution: Ensure that the text parameter contains the text content to be rendered.

Canvas settings missing

  • Explanation: The canvas parameter is not provided.
  • Solution: Provide the necessary canvas settings to define the layout and appearance of the rendered text.

Highlight font not found

  • Explanation: The specified highlight font is not available in the system or custom font directories.
  • Solution: Ensure that the highlight font file is correctly placed in the designated font directories and that the font name is correctly specified.

🆗 Font Properties Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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