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ComfyUI Node: Apply PhotoMaker Style

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shiimizu (Account age: 1766 days)
ComfyUI PhotoMaker Plus
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How to Install ComfyUI PhotoMaker Plus

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyUI PhotoMaker Plus
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI PhotoMaker Plus in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Apply PhotoMaker Style Description

Enhance AI-generated images with predefined artistic styles for prompts, including "Cinematic" and "Digital Art."

Apply PhotoMaker Style:

The PhotoMakerStyles node is designed to enhance your AI-generated images by applying predefined artistic styles to your prompts. This node allows you to select from a variety of styles, such as "Cinematic," "Disney Character," "Digital Art," and more, to transform the visual output of your AI models. By using this node, you can easily infuse your images with specific aesthetic qualities, making them more visually appealing and aligned with your creative vision. The primary function of this node is to modify the input prompts based on the selected style, ensuring that the generated images reflect the chosen artistic direction. This is particularly useful for AI artists looking to experiment with different visual themes and achieve consistent stylistic results.

Apply PhotoMaker Style Input Parameters:


The style_name parameter allows you to choose the artistic style you want to apply to your prompt. This parameter accepts a list of predefined styles, such as "Cinematic," "Disney Character," "Digital Art," and "Photographic (Default)." The default value is "Photographic (Default)." Selecting a style modifies the prompt to reflect the chosen aesthetic, influencing the final output of your AI-generated image. This parameter is crucial for setting the overall visual theme of your artwork.


The positive parameter is an optional string input where you can provide additional positive prompts to enhance the desired features in your image. This parameter supports multiline input, forced input, and dynamic prompts, allowing for flexible and detailed descriptions. By adding positive prompts, you can emphasize specific elements or qualities in your image, making it more aligned with your creative intent.


The negative parameter is an optional string input where you can specify negative prompts to suppress unwanted features in your image. Similar to the positive parameter, it supports multiline input, forced input, and dynamic prompts. By including negative prompts, you can avoid certain elements or styles that you do not want in your final image, ensuring a cleaner and more focused output.

Apply PhotoMaker Style Output Parameters:


The POSITIVE output parameter returns the modified positive prompt after applying the selected style. This output is a string that incorporates the chosen artistic style into your original positive prompt, ensuring that the generated image reflects the desired aesthetic qualities. This parameter is essential for understanding how the style has influenced your input prompt.


The NEGATIVE output parameter provides the modified negative prompt after applying the selected style. This output is a string that combines the chosen style's negative prompt with your original negative prompt, helping to suppress unwanted features in the generated image. This parameter is important for ensuring that the final output aligns with your creative vision by excluding undesirable elements.

Apply PhotoMaker Style Usage Tips:

  • Experiment with different style_name options to see how each style transforms your prompts and affects the final image. This can help you find the perfect aesthetic for your project.
  • Use the positive parameter to add specific details or qualities you want to emphasize in your image. This can enhance the overall impact and visual appeal of your artwork.
  • Utilize the negative parameter to exclude unwanted features or styles from your image. This can help you achieve a cleaner and more focused result.

Apply PhotoMaker Style Common Errors and Solutions:

Invalid style_name

  • Explanation: The style_name provided does not match any of the predefined styles.
  • Solution: Ensure that the style_name is one of the available options listed in the node documentation, such as "Cinematic," "Disney Character," "Digital Art," etc.

Empty positive or negative prompt

  • Explanation: The positive or negative prompt is empty, which may result in less effective style application.
  • Solution: Provide meaningful content in the positive and negative prompts to ensure the style is applied effectively and the final image meets your expectations.

Style not applied correctly

  • Explanation: The selected style may not be applied correctly due to an internal error or incorrect prompt formatting.
  • Solution: Double-check the formatting of your prompts and ensure they are compatible with the selected style. If the issue persists, try using a different style or consult the node documentation for further guidance.

Apply PhotoMaker Style Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
ComfyUI PhotoMaker Plus

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