ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI-RTX-Remix > RTX Remix Get Layers

ComfyUI Node: RTX Remix Get Layers

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How to Install ComfyUI-RTX-Remix

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI-RTX-Remix
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-RTX-Remix in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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RTX Remix Get Layers Description

Retrieve and manage layers in RTX Remix framework for 3D graphics manipulation, facilitating organization and filtering of graphical elements.

RTX Remix Get Layers:

The RTXRemixGetLayers node is designed to retrieve and manage layers within the RTX Remix framework, a toolset for enhancing and modifying 3D graphics. This node allows you to access a list of layers based on specified criteria, such as layer types and parent layer IDs, facilitating the organization and manipulation of complex graphical elements. By leveraging this node, you can efficiently query and filter layers, enabling streamlined workflows in 3D content creation and modification. The node communicates with a server to fetch the relevant layer data, ensuring that you have the most up-to-date information for your projects. This capability is particularly beneficial for artists and developers working with intricate layer structures, as it simplifies the process of identifying and working with specific layers.

RTX Remix Get Layers Input Parameters:


This parameter specifies the types of layers you want to retrieve. It accepts a comma-separated string of layer types, such as "autoupscale", "capture_baker", "capture", "replacement", "workfile", or "None". By defining the layer types, you can filter the results to include only the layers that match the specified criteria. This helps in narrowing down the search and focusing on relevant layers for your task. There are no explicit minimum or maximum values, but the default is an empty string, which means no filtering by type.


This parameter determines the number of layers to retrieve. It is an integer value that limits the number of layers returned by the node. By setting this parameter, you can control the volume of data processed, which can be useful for performance optimization and managing large datasets. The minimum value is 1, and there is no specified maximum value, but it should be set according to the server's capacity and your project's requirements.


This optional parameter allows you to specify a parent layer ID to retrieve sublayers associated with it. It is a string value that, when provided, focuses the query on the hierarchical structure of layers, enabling you to work with nested layers effectively. If not specified, the node retrieves top-level layers. This parameter is particularly useful for projects with complex layer hierarchies.


This boolean parameter determines the node's behavior when no layers are found. If set to True, the node raises an error if no layers match the specified criteria, alerting you to potential issues with the query parameters. If set to False, the node returns an empty result without crashing, allowing for more graceful handling of empty queries. The default value is False.


This optional parameter allows you to apply a regular expression filter to the layer IDs. It is a string value that, when provided, further refines the search by matching layer IDs against the specified pattern. This is useful for advanced filtering scenarios where you need to identify layers based on specific naming conventions or patterns.


This boolean parameter indicates whether to include sublayers in the results. If set to True, the node retrieves not only the specified layers but also their sublayers, providing a comprehensive view of the layer hierarchy. If set to False, only the specified layers are retrieved. The default value is False.

RTX Remix Get Layers Output Parameters:


This output parameter is a list of strings representing the IDs of the layers retrieved by the node. Each ID corresponds to a layer that matches the specified input criteria, allowing you to identify and work with these layers in subsequent operations. The list is empty if no layers are found.


This output parameter is a list of strings representing the types of the layers retrieved. Each type corresponds to a layer ID in the layer_ids list, providing additional context about the nature of each layer. This information is useful for understanding the composition of the retrieved layers and making informed decisions about their use.


This boolean output indicates whether the node successfully retrieved any layers. A value of True means that at least one layer was found and returned, while False indicates that no layers matched the input criteria. This output helps in determining the outcome of the node's execution and can be used to trigger conditional logic in your workflow.

RTX Remix Get Layers Usage Tips:

  • Use the layer_types parameter to filter layers by type, which can help in managing large projects with diverse layer types.
  • Set the layer_count parameter to a reasonable number to optimize performance, especially when working with large datasets.
  • Utilize the parent_layer_id parameter to focus on specific parts of a layer hierarchy, which is useful for projects with nested structures.
  • Consider setting crash_if_not_exist to False during initial testing to avoid interruptions in your workflow.

RTX Remix Get Layers Common Errors and Solutions:

No layers found. Please check the parameters of your node

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the node does not find any layers matching the specified criteria.
  • Solution: Verify the input parameters, such as layer_types, layer_count, and parent_layer_id, to ensure they are correctly set. Consider relaxing the criteria or checking the server connection.


  • Explanation: This error indicates a failure to connect to the server hosting the layer data.
  • Solution: Check your network connection and ensure that the server address and port are correctly configured in the node's context.

Invalid regular expression

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the regex_filter parameter contains an invalid regular expression.
  • Solution: Review the regular expression syntax and correct any errors. Test the expression separately to ensure it matches the intended pattern.

RTX Remix Get Layers Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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