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ComfyUI Node: LayerUtility: Number Calculator

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LayerUtility: NumberCalculator

chflame163 (Account age: 445 days)
ComfyUI Layer Style
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  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI Layer Style in the search bar
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LayerUtility: Number Calculator Description

Perform basic arithmetic operations between two numbers for AI artists, enhancing project flexibility and functionality.

LayerUtility: Number Calculator:

The LayerUtility: NumberCalculator node is designed to perform basic arithmetic operations between two numbers. This node is particularly useful for AI artists who need to manipulate numerical values within their workflows. By providing a simple interface to execute operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and more, it allows you to seamlessly integrate mathematical calculations into your creative processes. The node ensures that even those without a deep technical background can easily perform and utilize these operations, enhancing the flexibility and functionality of your projects.

LayerUtility: Number Calculator Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the first operand in the arithmetic operation. It can be any numerical value, and its role is to serve as the initial value for the calculation. The value of a directly impacts the result of the operation based on the chosen operator.


This parameter represents the second operand in the arithmetic operation. Similar to a, it can be any numerical value and is used in conjunction with a to perform the specified operation. The value of b is crucial, especially in operations like division, where it must not be zero to avoid errors.


This parameter specifies the arithmetic operation to be performed between a and b. The available options are + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division), ** (exponentiation), // (floor division), and % (modulus). The choice of operator determines the nature of the calculation and the resulting value.

LayerUtility: Number Calculator Output Parameters:


This output parameter provides the result of the arithmetic operation as an integer. It is useful when you need the result in a whole number format, which can be essential for certain applications or further calculations.


This output parameter provides the result of the arithmetic operation as a floating-point number. This is particularly important when precision is required, such as in cases involving division or operations that result in non-integer values.

LayerUtility: Number Calculator Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the b parameter is not zero when using the / (division) or // (floor division) operators to avoid division by zero errors.
  • Use the ** operator for exponentiation to easily calculate powers of numbers, which can be useful in various creative and mathematical contexts.
  • Utilize the float output when precision is crucial, especially in operations that may result in decimal values.

LayerUtility: Number Calculator Common Errors and Solutions:

Division by zero

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the b parameter is zero, and the operator is / or //.
  • Solution: Ensure that the b parameter is not zero before performing division operations. You can add a conditional check or validation step to handle this scenario.

Invalid operator

  • Explanation: This error occurs when an operator not listed in the available options is used.
  • Solution: Verify that the operator parameter is one of the following: +, -, *, /, **, //, %. Correct any typos or invalid entries in the operator parameter.

LayerUtility: Number Calculator Related Nodes

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ComfyUI Layer Style

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