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ComfyUI Node: LayerUtility: RestoreCropBox

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LayerUtility: RestoreCropBox

chflame163 (Account age: 445 days)
ComfyUI Layer Style
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  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI Layer Style in the search bar
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LayerUtility: RestoreCropBox Description

Seamlessly integrate cropped images back into original backgrounds for natural compositions.

LayerUtility: RestoreCropBox:

The LayerUtility: RestoreCropBox node is designed to seamlessly integrate a cropped image back into its original background, ensuring that the final composition appears natural and cohesive. This node is particularly useful for AI artists who need to manipulate specific regions of an image and then restore them without losing the context of the original background. By using this node, you can efficiently handle tasks such as image editing, compositing, and masking, making it easier to achieve professional-quality results. The node takes into account various parameters such as the crop box dimensions and optional masks, allowing for precise control over the restoration process.

LayerUtility: RestoreCropBox Input Parameters:


The background_image parameter is the original image from which a portion was cropped. This image serves as the canvas onto which the cropped image will be restored. It is essential for maintaining the context and continuity of the final composition. The parameter expects an image input.


The croped_image parameter is the image that was previously cropped from the background_image. This image will be placed back into its original position within the background. The parameter expects an image input.


The invert_mask parameter is a boolean that determines whether the mask should be inverted during the restoration process. If set to True, the mask will be inverted, which can be useful for certain compositing techniques. The default value is False.


The crop_box parameter defines the dimensions and position of the cropped area within the background_image. It is specified as a box with coordinates and dimensions, ensuring that the cropped image is accurately placed back into its original location. The parameter expects a box input.

croped_mask (optional)

The croped_mask parameter is an optional mask that can be applied to the croped_image during the restoration process. This mask allows for more refined control over the blending and integration of the cropped image with the background. The parameter expects a mask input.

LayerUtility: RestoreCropBox Output Parameters:


The image output parameter is the final composite image that results from restoring the croped_image back into the background_image. This image reflects the seamless integration of the cropped portion with the original background, maintaining the overall visual coherence.


The mask output parameter is the resulting mask after the restoration process. This mask can be used for further image processing or compositing tasks, providing additional flexibility and control over the final output.

LayerUtility: RestoreCropBox Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the crop_box dimensions accurately match the area from which the croped_image was taken to achieve a seamless restoration.
  • Use the invert_mask parameter to experiment with different blending effects, especially when dealing with complex backgrounds or intricate details.
  • If you have a specific area that requires precise blending, consider using the croped_mask parameter to refine the integration of the cropped image with the background.

LayerUtility: RestoreCropBox Common Errors and Solutions:

"Invalid crop box dimensions"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the dimensions specified in the crop_box parameter do not match the actual dimensions of the croped_image.
  • Solution: Double-check the coordinates and dimensions of the crop_box to ensure they accurately reflect the area from which the image was cropped.

"Background image not provided"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the background_image parameter is missing or not correctly specified.
  • Solution: Ensure that you provide a valid image for the background_image parameter to serve as the canvas for restoration.

"Cropped image not provided"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the croped_image parameter is missing or not correctly specified.
  • Solution: Ensure that you provide a valid image for the croped_image parameter to be restored into the background.

"Mask inversion failed"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when there is an issue with inverting the mask specified in the invert_mask parameter.
  • Solution: Verify that the mask is correctly formatted and try toggling the invert_mask parameter to see if the issue persists.

LayerUtility: RestoreCropBox Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
ComfyUI Layer Style

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