ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI_Yvann-Nodes > Audio Prompt Schedule

ComfyUI Node: Audio Prompt Schedule

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Audio Prompt Schedule

👁️ Yvann Nodes/🔊 Audio
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How to Install ComfyUI_Yvann-Nodes

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI_Yvann-Nodes
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI_Yvann-Nodes in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Audio Prompt Schedule Description

Integrates audio peaks with prompts for synchronized content in creative projects.

Audio Prompt Schedule:

The Audio Prompt Schedule node is designed to seamlessly integrate audio peaks with corresponding prompts, creating a structured schedule that can be used in various audio-visual applications. This node is particularly beneficial for artists and developers who want to synchronize audio events with visual or textual elements, enhancing the storytelling or interactive experience. By mapping specific audio peaks to user-defined prompts, this node allows for dynamic and context-sensitive content generation, making it a powerful tool for creative projects that require precise timing and coordination between audio and other media elements.

Audio Prompt Schedule Input Parameters:


The peaks_index parameter is a string that represents the frames where audio peaks occur, typically derived from an audio peaks detection process. This parameter is crucial as it determines the specific points in the audio timeline where prompts will be associated. The input should be a comma-separated list of integers, each representing a frame index. This allows the node to accurately map prompts to the corresponding audio events, ensuring that the timing of the prompts aligns with the audio peaks.


The prompts parameter is a multiline string that contains the prompts to be associated with each index specified in the peaks_index. This parameter allows you to define the content or actions that should occur at each audio peak. The prompts are split by newline characters, and any empty lines are ignored. If the number of prompts is less than the number of indices, the prompts will loop to match the number of indices, ensuring that each peak has an associated prompt. This flexibility allows for creative repetition and variation in the prompts used.

Audio Prompt Schedule Output Parameters:


The prompt_schedule output is a string that maps each audio index to a corresponding prompt. This output is formatted as a series of key-value pairs, where each key is a frame index from the peaks_index, and each value is the associated prompt from the prompts list. This structured output can be used to drive other processes or systems that require synchronized audio and prompt data, providing a clear and organized way to manage the timing and content of prompts in relation to audio events.

Audio Prompt Schedule Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the peaks_index is accurately derived from a reliable audio peaks detection process to maintain synchronization between audio and prompts.
  • Use the prompts parameter creatively by varying the content to match the mood or theme of the audio, enhancing the overall experience.
  • Consider the looping feature of the prompts parameter to create patterns or repeated themes in your project, which can add depth and complexity to the output.

Audio Prompt Schedule Common Errors and Solutions:

Invalid peaks_index format

  • Explanation: The peaks_index parameter must be a comma-separated list of integers. If the format is incorrect, the node may not function as expected.
  • Solution: Ensure that the peaks_index is formatted correctly, with each index separated by a comma and no non-numeric characters present.

Mismatch between peaks_index and prompts

  • Explanation: If the number of prompts does not match the number of indices, the node will loop the prompts to fill the gap, which may not be the intended behavior.
  • Solution: Verify that the number of prompts matches the number of indices, or intentionally use the looping feature to achieve the desired effect.

Audio Prompt Schedule Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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