ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI_Yvann-Nodes > Floats Visualizer

ComfyUI Node: Floats Visualizer

Class Name

Floats Visualizer

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How to Install ComfyUI_Yvann-Nodes

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI_Yvann-Nodes
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI_Yvann-Nodes in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Floats Visualizer Description

Generate visual graphs from float values for data comparison, aiding in trend analysis and data interpretation.

Floats Visualizer:

The Floats Visualizer node is designed to generate a visual graph from a series of float values, making it an invaluable tool for comparing visual data, such as audio weights. This node allows you to input multiple lists of float values and visualize them on a graph, providing a clear and intuitive way to analyze and compare data trends. By converting float data into a visual format, it helps you to easily interpret complex numerical information, making it accessible even to those without a technical background. The node supports customization of the graph's title and axis labels, ensuring that the visualization is tailored to your specific needs. This functionality is particularly useful for artists and designers who need to compare and contrast different sets of data visually.

Floats Visualizer Input Parameters:


This is the primary list of float values that you want to visualize. It serves as the main data set for generating the graph. The input must be a list of floats, and it is required for the node to function. There are no specific minimum or maximum values, but the list should be consistent in terms of data type.


The title parameter allows you to specify a custom title for your graph. This helps in identifying the graph's purpose or the data it represents. The default value is "Graph", but you can change it to any string that best describes your visualization.


This parameter sets the label for the x-axis of the graph. It helps in understanding what the x-axis represents in your data visualization. The default value is "X-Axis", but you can customize it to fit the context of your data.


The y_label parameter allows you to define the label for the y-axis of the graph. This is crucial for interpreting the data values plotted along the y-axis. The default value is "Y-Axis", and you can modify it to better describe your data.


This optional parameter allows you to input a second list of float values for comparison on the same graph. It is not required, but when provided, it enables you to visualize and compare two sets of data simultaneously.


Similar to floats_optional1, this optional parameter lets you input a third list of float values. It provides an additional layer of comparison, allowing you to visualize up to three different data sets on a single graph.

Floats Visualizer Output Parameters:


The visual_graph output is the generated image of the graph that visualizes the provided float values. This output is crucial as it transforms numerical data into a visual format, making it easier to analyze and interpret. The graph is returned as an image, which can be used for further analysis or presentation purposes.

Floats Visualizer Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that all input lists of floats are of the same length to avoid truncation of data, as the node will truncate all lists to match the shortest one.
  • Customize the graph's title and axis labels to provide context and clarity to your visualization, making it easier for others to understand the data being presented.

Floats Visualizer Common Errors and Solutions:

Unsupported type for 'floats' input

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the input data type for the floats parameter is not supported. The node expects a list of floats or a compatible data type.
  • Solution: Ensure that the input for the floats parameter is a list of float values or a compatible data type like a NumPy array or a PyTorch tensor.

Error in creating visualization

  • Explanation: This error indicates that there was an issue during the graph creation process, possibly due to incorrect input data or a problem with the plotting library.
  • Solution: Check the input data for any inconsistencies or errors. Ensure that all required parameters are correctly set and that the input data is in the expected format. If the problem persists, verify that the necessary libraries (e.g., Matplotlib) are properly installed and configured.

Floats Visualizer Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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