ComfyUI > Nodes > RES4LYF > Sigmas Noise Inversion

ComfyUI Node: Sigmas Noise Inversion

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Sigmas Noise Inversion

ClownsharkBatwing (Account age: 287days)
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How to Install RES4LYF

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for RES4LYF
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter RES4LYF in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Sigmas Noise Inversion Description

Manipulates sigma values for denoising AI models, inverting and padding with null bytes for precise noise control.

Sigmas Noise Inversion:

The Sigmas Noise Inversion node is designed to manipulate the sigma values used in the denoising process of AI models, specifically for unsampling tasks. Its primary function is to invert the sigma values and pad them with null bytes, effectively disabling noise scaling and other model-specific adjustments. This inversion process allows the model to return an epsilon prediction rather than a calculated denoised latent image, which can be particularly useful in scenarios where precise control over the noise levels is required. By flipping the sigma values, the node facilitates a more controlled and predictable sampling process, enhancing the flexibility and accuracy of the model's output. This node is especially beneficial for AI artists who need to fine-tune the noise characteristics in their generated images, providing a more nuanced approach to image synthesis.

Sigmas Noise Inversion Input Parameters:


The sigmas parameter is a required input that represents the sequence of sigma values used in the denoising process. These values are crucial as they determine the level of noise applied at each step of the sampling process. The sigmas input must be provided as it directly influences the node's ability to invert and pad the sigma values effectively. This parameter does not have a default value and must be explicitly supplied by the user. The correct configuration of sigmas is essential for achieving the desired noise inversion effect, allowing for precise control over the model's noise prediction capabilities.

Sigmas Noise Inversion Output Parameters:


The sigmas_fwd output represents the forward-inverted sigma values, which are used in the initial phase of the unsampling process. This output is crucial for setting up the correct noise levels when transitioning from a noisy to a less noisy state. By flipping the sigma values and adding a null byte, sigmas_fwd ensures that the model's noise scaling is effectively disabled, allowing for a more controlled prediction of the epsilon values.


The sigmas_rev output provides the reverse-inverted sigma values, which are used in the subsequent sampling phase. This output is essential for maintaining the correct noise levels as the model progresses through the denoising process. By padding the sigma values with null bytes at both ends, sigmas_rev helps in achieving a smooth transition between different noise states, ensuring that the model's predictions remain consistent and accurate throughout the sampling process.

Sigmas Noise Inversion Usage Tips:

  • Connect sigmas_fwd to the first node in your unsampling pipeline to ensure that the initial noise levels are correctly set for epsilon prediction.
  • Use sigmas_rev in the second node of your sampling process to maintain consistent noise levels and achieve a smooth transition between different stages of denoising.

Sigmas Noise Inversion Common Errors and Solutions:

Missing sigmas Input

  • Explanation: The node requires the sigmas input to function correctly, and it cannot proceed without it.
  • Solution: Ensure that you provide a valid sequence of sigma values as input to the node.

Incorrect Sigma Value Type

  • Explanation: The sigmas input must be a tensor of floating-point values; otherwise, the node may not process them correctly.
  • Solution: Convert your sigma values to a tensor of type torch.float64 before passing them to the node.

Device Mismatch Error

  • Explanation: The sigma values and the null tensor must be on the same device (CPU or GPU) for the operations to succeed.
  • Solution: Ensure that both the sigmas tensor and the null tensor are on the same device by using .to(device) method appropriately.

Sigmas Noise Inversion Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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