ComfyUI  >  Nodes  >  SeargeSDXL >  Generation Parameters

ComfyUI Node: Generation Parameters

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SeargeDP (Account age: 4180 days)
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How to Install SeargeSDXL

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  SeargeSDXL
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter SeargeSDXL in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Generation Parameters Description

Node for managing AI art generation parameters, enabling granular control and customization of image output.

Generation Parameters:

SeargeOutput2 is a node designed to handle and process generation parameters for AI art creation. This node is essential for managing various parameters that influence the generation of images, such as seed values, image dimensions, and configuration settings. By demultiplexing these parameters, SeargeOutput2 allows for more granular control and customization of the image generation process, ensuring that you can fine-tune the output to meet specific artistic requirements. This node is particularly useful for artists who need to manage multiple parameters simultaneously, providing a streamlined way to handle complex configurations.

Generation Parameters Input Parameters:


The parameters input is a collection of various settings and values that dictate how the image generation process will be carried out. This includes essential parameters like seed values, image dimensions, and configuration settings. The parameters input is crucial as it encapsulates all the necessary information required for the node to function correctly. There are no specific minimum, maximum, or default values for this input, as it is a composite of multiple sub-parameters.

Generation Parameters Output Parameters:


This output returns the original set of parameters that were input into the node. It serves as a way to pass along the entire configuration for further processing or reference.


The seed output is an integer value that determines the randomness of the image generation process. By using a specific seed, you can reproduce the same image consistently. This is particularly useful for creating variations of a single concept or for debugging purposes.


The image_width output specifies the width of the generated image in pixels. This integer value allows you to control the horizontal dimension of your artwork, ensuring it fits the desired format or canvas size.


The image_height output specifies the height of the generated image in pixels. Similar to image_width, this integer value controls the vertical dimension of your artwork.


The steps output indicates the number of steps the generation process will take. This integer value affects the quality and detail of the generated image, with higher values generally resulting in more refined outputs.


The cfg output is a floating-point value that stands for "configuration." It typically influences the strength or intensity of certain effects or settings applied during the image generation process.


The sampler_name output is a string that specifies the name of the sampling method used in the generation process. Different samplers can produce varying artistic styles and qualities.


The scheduler output is a string that indicates the scheduling algorithm used during the image generation process. This can affect the timing and sequence of operations, impacting the final output.


The save_image output is a boolean value that determines whether the generated image should be saved. This is useful for automating the saving process without manual intervention.


The save_directory output is a string that specifies the directory path where the generated image will be saved. This allows for organized storage and easy retrieval of generated artworks.

Generation Parameters Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that all required parameters are correctly set to avoid unexpected results.
  • Use specific seed values to reproduce images consistently, which is useful for iterative design processes.
  • Adjust the steps parameter to balance between image quality and generation time, as higher steps can produce more detailed images but take longer to process.
  • Experiment with different sampler_name and scheduler values to achieve various artistic styles and effects.

Generation Parameters Common Errors and Solutions:

Missing required parameter: parameters

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the parameters input is not provided.
  • Solution: Ensure that the parameters input is correctly connected and contains all necessary sub-parameters.

Invalid value for image_width or image_height

  • Explanation: This error happens when the values for image_width or image_height are not valid integers.
  • Solution: Verify that the image_width and image_height values are set to valid integers within the acceptable range for your specific use case.

Unsupported sampler_name or scheduler

  • Explanation: This error occurs when an invalid or unsupported sampler_name or scheduler is provided.
  • Solution: Check the documentation or available options for valid sampler_name and scheduler values and ensure you are using one of those.

Save directory not found

  • Explanation: This error happens when the specified save_directory does not exist.
  • Solution: Ensure that the save_directory path is correct and that the directory exists or can be created by the system.

Generation Parameters Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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