ComfyUI > Nodes > comfyui-prompt-composer > Prompt Composer Single Text

ComfyUI Node: Prompt Composer Single Text

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AI WizArt/Prompt Composer Tools
florestefano1975 (Account age: 451days)
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How to Install comfyui-prompt-composer

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for comfyui-prompt-composer
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter comfyui-prompt-composer in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Prompt Composer Single Text Description

Create and manage weighted text prompts for AI art generation, combining optional and required inputs into a formatted string.

Prompt Composer Single Text:

The PromptComposerTextSingle node is designed to help you create and manage text prompts for AI art generation. This node allows you to input a single line or multiline text, apply a weight to it, and activate or deactivate the prompt based on your needs. The primary function of this node is to combine optional and required text inputs into a single, formatted string that can be used as a prompt for AI models. By adjusting the weight and activation status, you can fine-tune the influence of each text component in your final prompt, making it a versatile tool for generating customized and effective AI art prompts.

Prompt Composer Single Text Input Parameters:


This is an optional text input parameter that allows you to include additional text in your prompt. If provided, this text will be included in the final prompt string. This parameter is useful for adding supplementary information or context to your main text input.


This is a required text input parameter where you can enter the main text for your prompt. It supports multiline input, allowing you to provide detailed descriptions or instructions. This text will be included in the final prompt if the weight is greater than 0 and the active parameter is set to true.


This required parameter allows you to set the weight of the main text input. The weight determines the influence of the text in the final prompt. It is a floating-point value with a default of 1, a minimum of 0, and a maximum of 1.95. The weight can be adjusted in steps of 0.05 using a slider. A higher weight increases the prominence of the text in the prompt.


This required boolean parameter determines whether the main text input is active. If set to true, the text will be included in the final prompt based on its weight. The default value is false. This parameter allows you to easily enable or disable the main text input without removing it.

Prompt Composer Single Text Output Parameters:


This output parameter returns the final composed prompt as a single string. The output includes the optional text input (if provided) and the main text input (if active and weighted). The text is formatted in lowercase and separated by commas. This output can be used directly as a prompt for AI models.

Prompt Composer Single Text Usage Tips:

  • Use the text_in_opt parameter to add supplementary information or context to your main prompt.
  • Adjust the weight parameter to control the influence of the main text in the final prompt. Higher weights make the text more prominent.
  • Toggle the active parameter to quickly enable or disable the main text input without removing it.
  • Combine multiple PromptComposerTextSingle nodes to create complex and detailed prompts by chaining their outputs.

Prompt Composer Single Text Common Errors and Solutions:

Empty prompt output

  • Explanation: This error occurs when both the optional and required text inputs are empty, or the required text input is inactive or has a weight of 0.
  • Solution: Ensure that at least one of the text inputs is provided and that the required text input is active with a weight greater than 0.

Invalid weight value

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the weight value is set outside the allowed range (0 to 1.95).
  • Solution: Adjust the weight parameter to be within the valid range using the slider.

Inactive text input

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the required text input is not included in the final prompt because the active parameter is set to false.
  • Solution: Set the active parameter to true to include the required text input in the final prompt.

Prompt Composer Single Text Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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