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ComfyUI Node: SD Parameter Generator

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SD Prompt Reader
receyuki (Account age: 2601 days)
SD Prompt Reader
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How to Install SD Prompt Reader

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  SD Prompt Reader
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter SD Prompt Reader in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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SD Parameter Generator Description

Automates parameter generation for Stable Diffusion models, streamlining AI art settings.

SD Parameter Generator:

The SDParameterGenerator is a specialized node designed to streamline the process of generating parameters for Stable Diffusion models. This node is particularly useful for AI artists who want to fine-tune their model settings without delving into complex configurations. By providing a user-friendly interface, the SDParameterGenerator allows you to specify various parameters such as model checkpoints, VAE names, and other essential settings. This node simplifies the parameter generation process, making it easier to achieve the desired output quality and style in your AI-generated art. Its primary goal is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your workflow by automating the parameter setup, thereby saving you time and effort.

SD Parameter Generator Input Parameters:


This parameter specifies the name of the checkpoint file to be used. Checkpoints are pre-trained models that serve as the starting point for generating images. The choice of checkpoint can significantly impact the style and quality of the output. Ensure that the checkpoint file is compatible with your model version.


This parameter defines the name of the Variational Autoencoder (VAE) to be used. VAEs are crucial for encoding and decoding images, and selecting the right VAE can affect the color and detail of the generated images. Make sure to choose a VAE that complements your checkpoint.


This parameter indicates the version of the model you are using. Different versions may have various features and improvements, so it's essential to select the correct version to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.


This parameter specifies the configuration file name. Configuration files contain settings that control various aspects of the model's behavior. Choosing the right configuration file can help you achieve the desired output quality and style.


The seed parameter is a numerical value that initializes the random number generator. Using the same seed value allows you to reproduce the same results, which is useful for experimentation and fine-tuning.


This parameter defines the number of steps for the diffusion process. More steps generally lead to higher quality images but require more computational resources. The minimum value is 1, and the maximum value is 10.


This parameter specifies the starting point for the refiner model. The refiner model helps improve the quality of the generated images by refining details. Adjusting this parameter can affect the level of detail in the output.


The CFG (Classifier-Free Guidance) scale parameter controls the strength of the guidance provided by the classifier. Higher values can lead to more detailed and accurate images but may also introduce artifacts. The default value is 1.0.


This parameter defines the name of the sampler to be used. Samplers are algorithms that generate images from the model. Different samplers can produce varying results, so it's essential to choose one that aligns with your artistic goals.


This parameter specifies the scheduler to be used for the diffusion process. Schedulers control the timing and sequence of the diffusion steps, impacting the overall quality and style of the generated images.


This parameter represents the positive aesthetic score, which influences the model's preference for certain aesthetic qualities. Adjusting this score can help you achieve a specific artistic style.


This parameter represents the negative aesthetic score, which influences the model's aversion to certain aesthetic qualities. Adjusting this score can help you avoid unwanted styles or features.


This parameter defines the aspect ratio of the generated images. The aspect ratio determines the width-to-height ratio, affecting the composition and framing of the output.


This parameter specifies the width of the generated images in pixels. Adjusting the width can help you achieve the desired resolution and aspect ratio.


This parameter specifies the height of the generated images in pixels. Adjusting the height can help you achieve the desired resolution and aspect ratio.


This parameter defines the number of images to be generated in a single batch. Larger batch sizes can speed up the generation process but require more computational resources.


This boolean parameter determines whether to output the VAE. Setting this to True will include the VAE in the output, which can be useful for further processing or analysis.


This boolean parameter determines whether to output the CLIP model. Setting this to True will include the CLIP model in the output, which can be useful for further processing or analysis.

SD Parameter Generator Output Parameters:


The sigmas parameter represents the noise levels used during the diffusion process. These values are crucial for controlling the quality and style of the generated images. Understanding the sigmas can help you fine-tune the diffusion process for better results.

SD Parameter Generator Usage Tips:

  • Experiment with different ckpt_name and vae_name combinations to find the best match for your artistic style.
  • Use the seed parameter to reproduce specific results, which is useful for iterative experimentation.
  • Adjust the steps parameter to balance between image quality and computational resources.
  • Fine-tune the cfg scale to control the level of detail and accuracy in the generated images.

SD Parameter Generator Common Errors and Solutions:

"Checkpoint file not found"

  • Explanation: The specified checkpoint file does not exist in the directory.
  • Solution: Verify the ckpt_name and ensure the file is in the correct directory.

"Incompatible VAE"

  • Explanation: The selected VAE is not compatible with the chosen checkpoint.
  • Solution: Choose a VAE that matches the checkpoint's requirements.

"Invalid model version"

  • Explanation: The specified model version is not supported.
  • Solution: Ensure you are using a valid model version compatible with your checkpoint and VAE.

"Configuration file missing"

  • Explanation: The specified configuration file does not exist.
  • Solution: Verify the config_name and ensure the file is in the correct directory.

"Seed value out of range"

  • Explanation: The seed value is not within the acceptable range.
  • Solution: Use a valid numerical value for the seed parameter.

"Steps value out of range"

  • Explanation: The number of steps is not within the acceptable range.
  • Solution: Ensure the steps parameter is between 1 and 10.

SD Parameter Generator Related Nodes

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SD Prompt Reader

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