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ComfyUI Node: Style Conditioner (Mikey)

Class Name

Style Conditioner

bash-j (Account age: 4196 days)
Mikey Nodes
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How to Install Mikey Nodes

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  Mikey Nodes
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter Mikey Nodes in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Style Conditioner (Mikey) Description

Enhance AI art with specific style prompts for conditioning prompts, supporting reproducibility and base/refiner conditioning.

Style Conditioner (Mikey):

The Style Conditioner node is designed to enhance your AI-generated art by applying specific styles to your conditioning prompts. This node allows you to seamlessly integrate predefined or custom styles into your positive and negative conditioning prompts, thereby influencing the final output of your AI model. By leveraging the power of style prompts, you can achieve a more refined and targeted artistic expression. The node supports the use of seeds to ensure reproducibility and can handle both base and refiner conditioning, making it a versatile tool for AI artists looking to add a unique touch to their creations.

Style Conditioner (Mikey) Input Parameters:


This parameter specifies the style to be applied to the conditioning prompts. It can be a predefined style from the styles.json file or a custom style added by the user. The style influences the positive and negative prompts, thereby affecting the final output of the AI model.


The strength parameter determines how strongly the selected style will influence the conditioning prompts. A higher strength value means a stronger influence of the style on the final output. The value can range from 0 to 1, with 1 being the maximum strength.


This parameter represents the base positive conditioning prompt before the style is applied. It serves as the initial input that will be modified by the selected style.


This parameter represents the base negative conditioning prompt before the style is applied. It serves as the initial input that will be modified by the selected style.


This parameter represents the refiner positive conditioning prompt before the style is applied. It is used for more detailed and refined conditioning.


This parameter represents the refiner negative conditioning prompt before the style is applied. It is used for more detailed and refined conditioning.


The base_clip parameter is used to encode the base conditioning prompts. It is essential for the initial encoding process before the style is applied.


The refiner_clip parameter is used to encode the refiner conditioning prompts. It is essential for the detailed encoding process before the style is applied.


This boolean parameter determines whether a seed should be used for reproducibility. If set to 'true', the seed will influence the selection of the style.


The seed parameter is used to ensure reproducibility when applying styles. It affects the selection of the style when use_seed is set to 'true'.

Style Conditioner (Mikey) Output Parameters:


This output parameter represents the modified base positive conditioning prompt after the style has been applied. It is used as an input for further processing in the AI model.


This output parameter represents the modified base negative conditioning prompt after the style has been applied. It is used as an input for further processing in the AI model.


This output parameter represents the modified refiner positive conditioning prompt after the style has been applied. It is used for more detailed and refined conditioning in the AI model.


This output parameter represents the modified refiner negative conditioning prompt after the style has been applied. It is used for more detailed and refined conditioning in the AI model.


This output parameter returns the style that was applied to the conditioning prompts. It can be useful for tracking and debugging purposes.

Style Conditioner (Mikey) Usage Tips:

  • To achieve a more pronounced stylistic effect, increase the strength parameter closer to 1.
  • Use the seed parameter to ensure reproducibility, especially when working on a series of artworks that require consistent styling.
  • Experiment with different styles from the styles.json file to discover unique artistic effects.
  • Combine base and refiner conditioning for more detailed and nuanced outputs.

Style Conditioner (Mikey) Common Errors and Solutions:

"Style not found in styles.json"

  • Explanation: The specified style is not available in the styles.json file.
  • Solution: Ensure that the style name is correctly spelled and exists in the styles.json file. You can also add custom styles to the user_styles.json file.

"Invalid strength value"

  • Explanation: The strength parameter is set to a value outside the acceptable range.
  • Solution: Set the strength parameter to a value between 0 and 1.

"Seed value required but not provided"

  • Explanation: The use_seed parameter is set to 'true', but no seed value is provided.
  • Solution: Provide a valid seed value when use_seed is set to 'true'.

"Error in encoding prompts"

  • Explanation: There was an issue during the encoding of the conditioning prompts.
  • Solution: Ensure that the base_clip and refiner_clip parameters are correctly set and that the prompts are properly formatted.

Style Conditioner (Mikey) Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
Mikey Nodes

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