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ComfyUI Node: StyleAligned Sample Reference Latents

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brianfitzgerald (Account age: 4240 days)
StyleAligned for ComfyUI
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How to Install StyleAligned for ComfyUI

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  StyleAligned for ComfyUI
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter StyleAligned for ComfyUI in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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StyleAligned Sample Reference Latents Description

Facilitates alignment of reference latents with specific style for consistent and visually appealing AI-generated outputs.

StyleAligned Sample Reference Latents:

The StyleAlignedSampleReferenceLatents node is designed to facilitate the generation of reference latents that are aligned with a specific style. This node is particularly useful for AI artists who want to ensure that their generated images or other outputs maintain a consistent style throughout the sampling process. By leveraging reference latents, this node helps in achieving a more coherent and visually appealing result, making it an essential tool for style transfer and other artistic applications. The primary goal of this node is to provide a mechanism to sample and align latents in a way that preserves the desired stylistic attributes, enhancing the overall quality and consistency of the generated content.

StyleAligned Sample Reference Latents Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the model that will be used for generating the reference latents. It is crucial as it defines the underlying architecture and capabilities that will influence the style alignment process.


The noise_seed parameter is used to initialize the random noise generation process. This seed ensures reproducibility of the results, allowing you to generate the same output given the same seed value. The default value is typically set to a random number, but you can specify a fixed value for consistent results.


The cfg parameter stands for configuration settings that control various aspects of the sampling process. These settings can include parameters like the number of steps, learning rate, and other hyperparameters that influence the quality and speed of the sampling.


This parameter represents the positive conditioning inputs that guide the model towards generating outputs with desired attributes. It is essential for steering the model in the right direction during the sampling process.


The negative parameter is used to provide negative conditioning inputs, which help the model avoid generating undesired attributes. This parameter is useful for refining the output by specifying what should not be included.


The sampler parameter defines the sampling method to be used. Different samplers can produce varying results, and choosing the right one can significantly impact the quality and style of the generated latents.


The sigmas parameter is a sequence of values that control the noise levels during the sampling process. These values are typically used to adjust the noise at each step, influencing the smoothness and detail of the generated latents.


This parameter represents the initial latent image that will be used as a starting point for the sampling process. It serves as the base upon which the style-aligned latents will be generated.

StyleAligned Sample Reference Latents Output Parameters:


The ref_latents output parameter provides the reference latents that have been sampled and aligned with the specified style. These latents can be used in subsequent stages of the generation process to ensure consistency and coherence in the final output.


The out_noised output parameter contains the noised version of the latents, which includes the applied noise during the sampling process. This output is useful for understanding the impact of noise on the generated latents and can be used for further refinement or analysis.

StyleAligned Sample Reference Latents Usage Tips:

  • To achieve consistent results, use a fixed noise_seed value. This ensures that the same input parameters will always produce the same output.
  • Experiment with different sampler methods to find the one that best suits your artistic needs. Each sampler can produce unique results, so it's worth trying a few to see which one aligns with your vision.
  • Utilize the positive and negative conditioning inputs to fine-tune the generated latents. By specifying desired and undesired attributes, you can guide the model towards producing more refined and targeted outputs.

StyleAligned Sample Reference Latents Common Errors and Solutions:

"Model not defined"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the model parameter is not provided or is incorrectly specified.
  • Solution: Ensure that you have correctly specified the model parameter and that it points to a valid model object.

"Invalid noise seed"

  • Explanation: This error happens when the noise_seed parameter is not a valid integer.
  • Solution: Check that the noise_seed is a valid integer value. If you are using a random seed, ensure it is properly generated.

"Sampler method not recognized"

  • Explanation: This error indicates that the specified sampler method is not supported or incorrectly named.
  • Solution: Verify that the sampler parameter is set to a valid and supported sampling method. Refer to the documentation for a list of supported samplers.

"Latent image not provided"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the latent_image parameter is missing or incorrectly specified.
  • Solution: Ensure that you have provided a valid latent_image as the starting point for the sampling process. Check the format and structure of the latent image to ensure it is compatible.

StyleAligned Sample Reference Latents Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
StyleAligned for ComfyUI

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