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ComfyUI Node: Image Rembg (Remove Background)

Class Name

Image Rembg (Remove Background)

WAS Suite/Image/AI
WASasquatch (Account age: 4688 days)
WAS Node Suite
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How to Install WAS Node Suite

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  WAS Node Suite
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter WAS Node Suite in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Image Rembg (Remove Background) Description

Effortlessly remove image backgrounds with precision using advanced algorithms for AI artists and creative projects.

Image Rembg (Remove Background):

The Image Rembg (Remove Background) node is designed to help you effortlessly remove the background from images, making it an essential tool for AI artists who want to isolate subjects or create transparent backgrounds. This node leverages advanced algorithms to accurately detect and separate the foreground from the background, providing a clean and professional result. Whether you are working on digital art, photo editing, or any creative project that requires background removal, this node simplifies the process and enhances your workflow. By adjusting various parameters, you can fine-tune the background removal to suit different types of images and achieve the desired level of transparency and detail.

Image Rembg (Remove Background) Input Parameters:


This parameter accepts a list of images that you want to process for background removal. Each image should be in a format that the node can handle, such as a tensor representation of the image. The images will be processed in batch mode, allowing you to remove backgrounds from multiple images simultaneously.


This boolean parameter determines whether the output images should have a transparent background. When set to true, the background will be removed and replaced with transparency. If set to false, the background will be replaced with a solid color specified by the background_color parameter. The default value is true.


This parameter specifies the model to be used for background removal. The default model is "u2net", which is known for its accuracy and efficiency in separating the foreground from the background. You can choose other models if available, depending on your specific needs and the complexity of the images.


This boolean parameter enables or disables alpha matting, which is a technique used to improve the quality of the edges around the foreground object. When set to true, alpha matting is applied, resulting in smoother and more natural transitions between the foreground and background. The default value is false.


This parameter sets the threshold for the foreground when alpha matting is enabled. It determines how much of the foreground should be preserved during the matting process. The value ranges from 0 to 255, with a default value of 240. A higher value will preserve more of the foreground.


This parameter sets the threshold for the background when alpha matting is enabled. It determines how much of the background should be removed during the matting process. The value ranges from 0 to 255, with a default value of 10. A lower value will remove more of the background.


This parameter specifies the size of the erosion applied to the alpha matte. Erosion helps to refine the edges of the foreground object by shrinking the matte. The value is an integer, with a default value of 10. A larger value will result in more erosion.


This boolean parameter enables or disables post-processing of the output images. Post-processing can help to further refine the results by applying additional filters or adjustments. When set to true, post-processing is applied. The default value is false.


This boolean parameter determines whether to output only the mask of the foreground object. When set to true, the node will output a binary mask where the foreground is white and the background is black. If set to false, the node will output the full image with the background removed. The default value is false.


This parameter specifies the color to be used for the background when transparency is set to false. The color should be provided in a format that the node can interpret, such as an RGB tuple. The default value is "none", which means no background color is applied.

Image Rembg (Remove Background) Output Parameters:


This output parameter provides the processed images with the background removed. Depending on the input parameters, the output images may have a transparent background, a solid color background, or a binary mask. The images are returned in a format that can be easily used in subsequent nodes or saved to disk.

Image Rembg (Remove Background) Usage Tips:

  • For best results, use high-quality images with clear separation between the foreground and background.
  • Experiment with the alpha_matting parameters to achieve smoother edges and more natural transitions.
  • If you need a solid color background instead of transparency, set the transparency parameter to false and specify the desired background_color.
  • Use the only_mask parameter to generate masks that can be used for further image processing or compositing.

Image Rembg (Remove Background) Common Errors and Solutions:

Invalid image format

  • Explanation: The input images are not in a format that the node can process.
  • Solution: Ensure that the images are provided in a compatible format, such as a tensor representation.

Model not found

  • Explanation: The specified model for background removal is not available.
  • Solution: Check the model name and ensure it is correctly specified. Use the default "u2net" model if unsure.

Alpha matting parameters out of range

  • Explanation: The values for alpha_matting_foreground_threshold, alpha_matting_background_threshold, or alpha_matting_erode_size are outside the acceptable range.
  • Solution: Ensure that the threshold values are between 0 and 255, and the erode size is a positive integer.

Post-processing failed

  • Explanation: An error occurred during the post-processing of the images.
  • Solution: Disable post-processing by setting the post_processing parameter to false, or check the input images and parameters for any issues.

Image Rembg (Remove Background) Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
WAS Node Suite

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