ComfyUI  >  Nodes  >  RyanOnTheInside >  Particle Emission Mask | RyanOnTheInside

ComfyUI Node: Particle Emission Mask | RyanOnTheInside

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Masks/Particle Systems
ryanontheinside (Account age: 3752 days)
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How to Install RyanOnTheInside

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  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter RyanOnTheInside in the search bar
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Particle Emission Mask | RyanOnTheInside Description

Generate dynamic particle effects within a mask for visually engaging animations with control over particle properties and realistic behavior.

Particle Emission Mask | RyanOnTheInside:

The ParticleEmissionMask node is designed to generate dynamic particle effects within a mask, providing a powerful tool for creating visually engaging and complex animations. This node leverages a particle system to emit particles from specified emitters, allowing for the simulation of various natural phenomena such as smoke, fire, or abstract artistic effects. By controlling parameters like particle direction, speed, size, and color, you can achieve a wide range of visual styles. The node processes each frame to update particle positions, apply forces like gravity and vortices, and handle collisions with mask boundaries, ensuring realistic and interactive particle behavior. This makes it an essential tool for AI artists looking to add dynamic and responsive elements to their creations.

Particle Emission Mask | RyanOnTheInside Input Parameters:


This parameter specifies the x-coordinate of the emitter's position within the mask. It determines where the particles will be emitted from horizontally. The value should be a float between 0 and 1, representing the relative position within the mask's width.


This parameter specifies the y-coordinate of the emitter's position within the mask. It determines where the particles will be emitted from vertically. The value should be a float between 0 and 1, representing the relative position within the mask's height.


This parameter defines the initial direction in which particles are emitted, measured in degrees. It controls the angle at which particles leave the emitter, allowing you to direct the flow of particles. The value should be a float between 0 and 360.


This parameter determines the spread angle of the emitted particles, measured in degrees. It controls the range of angles around the particle_direction within which particles can be emitted, creating a more dispersed or focused emission. The value should be a float between 0 and 360.


This parameter specifies the size of the particles. It affects the visual appearance and collision behavior of the particles. The value should be a positive float, with larger values resulting in bigger particles.


This parameter defines the speed at which particles are emitted. It controls how fast particles move away from the emitter. The value should be a positive float, with higher values resulting in faster-moving particles.


This parameter determines the rate at which particles are emitted from the emitter. It controls how many particles are generated per unit of time. The value should be a positive float, with higher values resulting in more particles being emitted.


This parameter specifies the color of the particles. It affects the visual appearance of the particles and can be used to create colorful and vibrant effects. The value should be a string representing a color in hexadecimal format (e.g., #FF0000 for red).


This parameter indicates whether an initial burst of particles should be emitted when the emitter is first created. It can be used to create an initial explosion or burst effect. The value should be a boolean (True or False).


This optional parameter specifies the movement pattern of the emitter. It can be used to create dynamic effects where the emitter moves over time. The value should be a dictionary defining the movement parameters.


This optional parameter specifies the settings for a spring joint that can be applied to the emitter. It can be used to create effects where the emitter is influenced by spring-like forces. The value should be a dictionary defining the spring joint parameters.


This optional parameter specifies modulation settings for the particles. It can be used to create effects where particle properties change over time. The value should be a dictionary defining the modulation parameters.

Particle Emission Mask | RyanOnTheInside Output Parameters:


This output parameter is the final mask after processing the particle emissions. It combines the original mask with the particle effects, resulting in a dynamic and visually enhanced mask. The value is a numpy array representing the mask.


This output parameter is the final image after processing the particle emissions. It combines the original mask with the particle effects, resulting in a dynamic and visually enhanced image. The value is a numpy array representing the image.

Particle Emission Mask | RyanOnTheInside Usage Tips:

  • Experiment with different particle_direction and particle_spread values to create varied emission patterns, from focused streams to wide dispersions.
  • Use the emitter_movement parameter to animate the emitter's position, adding more dynamism to your particle effects.
  • Adjust the emission_rate to control the density of particles, balancing between sparse and dense particle fields for different visual effects.
  • Combine multiple emitters with different settings to create complex and layered particle effects.

Particle Emission Mask | RyanOnTheInside Common Errors and Solutions:

"Invalid emitter position"

  • Explanation: The emitter_x or emitter_y values are outside the valid range of 0 to 1. - Solution: Ensure that both emitter_x and emitter_y are set to values between 0 and 1, representing the relative position within the mask's dimensions.

"Particle size must be positive"

  • Explanation: The particle_size value is zero or negative.
  • Solution: Set the particle_size to a positive float value to ensure particles are visible and can interact correctly.

"Emission rate must be positive"

  • Explanation: The emission_rate value is zero or negative.
  • Solution: Set the emission_rate to a positive float value to ensure particles are emitted correctly.

"Invalid color format"

  • Explanation: The color value is not in the correct hexadecimal format.
  • Solution: Ensure the color value is a string in hexadecimal format (e.g., #FF0000 for red).

"Emitter movement settings missing"

  • Explanation: The emitter_movement parameter is specified but the settings are incomplete or missing.
  • Solution: Provide a complete dictionary defining the movement parameters for the emitter_movement parameter.

Particle Emission Mask | RyanOnTheInside Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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