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ComfyUI Node: TEXT Switch OSC Control @

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Vrch Studio ( (Account age: 1177days)
ComfyUI Web Viewer
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How to Install ComfyUI Web Viewer

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI Web Viewer
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI Web Viewer in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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TEXT Switch OSC Control @ Description

Facilitates dynamic text selection and switching via OSC messages for interactive environments.

TEXT Switch OSC Control @

The VrchTextSwitchOSCControlNode is designed to facilitate the dynamic selection and switching of text outputs based on Open Sound Control (OSC) messages. This node is particularly useful in interactive environments where real-time control over text content is required, such as in live performances, installations, or multimedia applications. By receiving OSC messages, the node can switch between predefined text options, allowing for seamless transitions and updates to the displayed or processed text. The node's primary function is to interpret incoming OSC messages, determine the appropriate text index, and update the current output accordingly. This capability provides a flexible and responsive way to manage text content, enhancing the interactivity and adaptability of your projects.

TEXT Switch OSC Control @ Input Parameters:


The server_ip parameter specifies the IP address of the OSC server that the node will connect to. This is crucial for establishing a communication link between the node and the OSC message source. The correct IP address ensures that the node receives the intended messages. There are no specific minimum or maximum values, but it should be a valid IP address format.


The port parameter defines the port number on which the OSC server is listening. This is essential for directing the OSC messages to the correct application or service. The port number must be within the valid range of 0 to 65535, with a commonly used default value being 8000 or 9000, depending on your network configuration.


The path parameter indicates the OSC address path that the node will listen to for incoming messages. This path acts as a filter, ensuring that only messages with the matching address are processed by the node. It should be a string that matches the OSC message path format used by the sender.


The debug parameter is a boolean flag that, when enabled, allows for the output of debug information to the console. This can be helpful for troubleshooting and ensuring that the node is receiving and processing messages correctly. The default value is typically false, but it can be set to true for development and testing purposes.

TEXT Switch OSC Control @ Output Parameters:


The current_output parameter represents the currently selected text from the predefined list of texts. This output is updated based on the index received from the OSC message, allowing for dynamic text switching. The importance of this parameter lies in its role as the final output that can be used in various applications, such as displaying on a screen or feeding into another system for further processing.

TEXT Switch OSC Control @ Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the server_ip and port parameters are correctly set to match the OSC message source to avoid connectivity issues.
  • Use the debug mode during initial setup to verify that the node is receiving and processing messages as expected, which can help identify any configuration errors.

TEXT Switch OSC Control @ Common Errors and Solutions:

Invalid IP Address

  • Explanation: The server_ip parameter is not set to a valid IP address format.
  • Solution: Double-check the IP address format and ensure it matches the expected format (e.g.,

Port Out of Range

  • Explanation: The port parameter is set to a number outside the valid range of 0 to 65535. - Solution: Adjust the port number to be within the valid range, typically using a number like 8000 or 9000.

Path Mismatch

  • Explanation: The path parameter does not match the OSC message path being sent.
  • Solution: Verify that the path matches the OSC message path format used by the sender and adjust if necessary.

Index Out of Range

  • Explanation: The OSC message contains an index that is outside the range of the predefined text list.
  • Solution: Ensure that the OSC message sends a valid index within the range of available texts, or update the text list to accommodate the index.

TEXT Switch OSC Control @ Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
ComfyUI Web Viewer
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