ComfyUI  >  Nodes  >  comfyui_facetools >  DetectFaces

ComfyUI Node: DetectFaces

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dchatel (Account age: 4558 days)
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How to Install comfyui_facetools

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  comfyui_facetools
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter comfyui_facetools in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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DetectFaces Description

Identify and locate faces in images using advanced algorithms, with customizable parameters for optimal performance and optional masking.


The DetectFaces node is designed to identify and locate faces within an image. This node leverages advanced face detection algorithms to scan the provided image and return detailed information about each detected face. It is particularly useful for applications that require face recognition, analysis, or manipulation. By setting specific parameters, you can control the sensitivity and size constraints of the face detection process, ensuring that the node performs optimally for your specific needs. This node can also handle optional masking to focus the detection on certain areas of the image, enhancing its versatility and precision.

DetectFaces Input Parameters:


The image parameter is the primary input for the node, where you provide the image in which faces need to be detected. This parameter is mandatory and should be an image file.


The threshold parameter determines the confidence level required for a face to be considered detected. It is a floating-point value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, with a default value of 0.5. A higher threshold means that only faces detected with higher confidence will be considered, reducing false positives but potentially missing some faces.


The min_size parameter specifies the minimum size of the faces to be detected, in pixels. It is an integer value with a default of 64, a maximum of 512, and increments in steps of 8. This parameter helps in filtering out smaller, less relevant faces from the detection process.


The max_size parameter sets the maximum size of the faces to be detected, in pixels. It is an integer value with a default and minimum of 512, and increments in steps of 8. This ensures that only faces within a certain size range are detected, which can be useful for focusing on specific face sizes.


The mask parameter is optional and allows you to provide a mask image. This mask can be used to focus the face detection on specific areas of the input image, enhancing the accuracy and relevance of the detection process.

DetectFaces Output Parameters:


The faces output parameter returns a list of detected faces. Each face in the list contains detailed information such as the bounding box coordinates and the index of the image in which it was detected. This output is crucial for further processing, analysis, or manipulation of the detected faces.

DetectFaces Usage Tips:

  • Adjust the threshold parameter to balance between detecting all possible faces and reducing false positives. A higher threshold is useful in scenarios where accuracy is more critical than completeness.
  • Use the min_size and max_size parameters to filter out faces that are too small or too large, ensuring that the detection focuses on faces of interest.
  • If you have a specific region of the image where faces are likely to appear, use the mask parameter to improve detection accuracy by ignoring irrelevant areas.

DetectFaces Common Errors and Solutions:

"No faces detected"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the node fails to detect any faces in the provided image.
  • Solution: Try lowering the threshold parameter to make the detection less strict, or ensure that the min_size and max_size parameters are set appropriately for the faces in your image.

"Invalid image format"

  • Explanation: This error indicates that the provided image is not in a supported format.
  • Solution: Ensure that the input image is in a valid format such as JPEG, PNG, or BMP.

"Mask size mismatch"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the provided mask does not match the dimensions of the input image.
  • Solution: Make sure that the mask image has the same dimensions as the input image to ensure proper masking.

"Parameter out of range"

  • Explanation: This error indicates that one of the input parameters is set outside its allowable range.
  • Solution: Verify that all parameters are within their specified ranges, such as threshold between 0.0 and 1.0, min_size and max_size within their respective limits.

DetectFaces Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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