ComfyUI > Nodes > gguf > GGUF Convertor (Alpha)

ComfyUI Node: GGUF Convertor (Alpha)

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How to Install gguf

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for gguf
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter gguf in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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GGUF Convertor (Alpha) Description

Facilitates model data conversion and saving to GGUF format for efficient storage and performance optimization.

GGUF Convertor (Alpha):

The GGUFSave node is designed to facilitate the conversion and saving of model data into the GGUF format, which is a specialized file format used for storing machine learning models. This node is particularly useful for AI artists and developers who need to manage and optimize their models for different computational environments. By converting models into the GGUF format, users can benefit from efficient storage and potentially improved performance due to the format's support for quantization and other optimizations. The node handles the conversion process by determining the appropriate data type for the model, such as bf16 or f16, and ensures that the model is saved with the correct file type. This process is crucial for maintaining model integrity and performance across various platforms and use cases.

GGUF Convertor (Alpha) Input Parameters:


The select_safetensors parameter specifies the path to the input model file in the safetensors format that you wish to convert to the GGUF format. This parameter is crucial as it determines the source model that will undergo the conversion process. The choice of model can significantly impact the output, as different models may have varying structures and data types. There are no explicit minimum, maximum, or default values for this parameter, but it should be a valid file path pointing to a safetensors file.

GGUF Convertor (Alpha) Output Parameters:


The GGUFSave node does not produce any direct output parameters. Instead, its primary function is to save the converted model to a specified directory in the GGUF format. The success of this operation is implied by the absence of errors during the process.

GGUF Convertor (Alpha) Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the select_safetensors file is correctly formatted and accessible to avoid errors during the conversion process.
  • Familiarize yourself with the GGUF format and its benefits, such as quantization support, to make the most of the conversion process.
  • Regularly check the output directory to confirm that the converted files are saved correctly and are in the expected format.

GGUF Convertor (Alpha) Common Errors and Solutions:

Output exists enter to continue or ctrl+c to abort!

  • Explanation: This message indicates that a file with the same name already exists in the output directory, and the process is paused to prevent overwriting.
  • Solution: You can either press enter to overwrite the existing file or use ctrl+c to abort the process and rename the output file to avoid conflicts.

File not found

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the specified select_safetensors file path is incorrect or the file does not exist.
  • Solution: Double-check the file path for typos and ensure that the file is located in the specified directory.

Invalid file format

  • Explanation: This error arises if the input file is not in the expected safetensors format.
  • Solution: Verify that the input file is correctly formatted as a safetensors file and try the conversion process again.

GGUF Convertor (Alpha) Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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